
All surveillances are billed at flat rates which include a pre-surveillance work up, mileage, lodging for out of town investigations, report and copy of the video documentation.


Includes Workers Compensation, Bodily injury, Liability, Disability, Productivity and Employee Integrity investigations. Video documentation offers the best evidence available to identify fraudulent activity. Our skilled investigators utilize the latest equipment to assist the client in our fight against insurance fraud.

Field Investigations

Statements (written, recorded and or signed), Neighborhood Canvas’, Activity Checks, Alive and Well Verifications and Widow Checks.

Accident Scene Investigations

An investigation of an accident scene consists of utilizing photographs and or videotape, detailed measurements, traffic patterns, timing of any traffic control devices, noting the signage and any other relevant conditions placed out on a diagram. This investigation will be performed as close as possible to the actual time of day that the incident occurred.

Background Investigations

Background checks include information such as name, address and phone number, verification, Criminal and Civil records, sex offender listings, bankruptcy and liens, military records, personal licensing and verification of Social Security number.

Social Internet Profile:

With the explosion of social media popularity we want you to be aware that we have been utilizing this tool in our efforts to obtain quality information on your claimant's, via the internet. There are over 350 different social media sites including blog platforms, photos and sharing networks that are available to us to assist us in our investigative strategies.

Covert Solutions Group is a full service investigative firm. Any investigation can be tailored to your specific needs. If we do not list an investigative service that you are searching for please contact us.

Covert Solutions Referral Form

Staffs studing the report

CSG provides us with quality results and great customer service!  

Shawn P., PA - SIU